Gedetineerde Nasir
RAP – Persecuted
My life is so tragic it’s almost comical
Like a blind oracle wearing a monocle
Or a follicle amoeba surviving horrible
Obstacles in a tropical forest hit by a comet fall
Is it possible or logical that a colorful
Volatile mortal soul lost it all to a hospital
That’s right I said hospital, aka powerful
Profi t driven corporation and their assailants
Who tortured me whilst incarcerated and under surveillance
Instead of curing me of my ailments
They decimated, defecated on and desecrated
All that is holy, isolated from those who know me
They show me the full extend of their reach
I’m under siege, I can’t breathe, it feels like underneath
A hundred feet of rubble, persecuted, this is my struggle
Dazed and confused I’m seeing double, no I see trouble
On the horizon and beyond the constellation of orion
The milky way, how irrelevant would it be if I got killed today
Or framed in a fi lthy way, innocent or guilty they
Are determined to end me, while acting kind and friendly
Drunk on power, blinded by greed and envy
Their minds are fi lled with plots and schemes, but their hearts are empty
You want to hear more, make your entry
Sit back, relax, enjoy the scandal of the century